Prior to your appointment:
Schedule your appointment
Register online, and we will contact you shortly for an appointment.. Please note that a medical practioner’s prescription is required for medical cannabis use.
Forms to complete
Completing the appropriate patient intake forms ahead of your appointment can help you make the most out of your scheduled appointment time.
During your appointment:
Attend a consultation
Meet with a medical practitioner who will assess your medical cannabis fit. Be an active participant – ask them questions and determine whether medical cannabis is right for you.
Create your treatment
If eligible, a medical practitioner will work with you to develop a plan that best suits your needs and provide you with a patient guide, as well as a journal to assess your journey. This will include a legal prescription that gives you the freedom to choose from our growing selection of medical cannabis products.
Order your prescription
Order online. Get your prescription shipped directly to your door. We make it easy for you.
After your appointment:
Ongoing support
Our patient care specialists are available to answer via email, phone, or chat to resolve any questions you may have.
Follow-up appointments
Typically after three months, an appointment is scheduled to meet with our healthcare practitioners to check-in whether your treatment plan is working as desired. These appointments can be booked on an “as needed” basis.