BMCC provides effective cannabis-based treatments that give our patients the best chance to manage their anxiety. Our staff consisting of health care professionals is ready to assist patients in their medical cannabis journey.
Register on our website (include URL) to get started! Once we have reviewed your application, our representative will get in touch with you and book an appointment with a medical practitioner.
To receive the best possible treatment plan, it is important to disclose past medical history and experience with cannabis to the medical practitioner. This provides the necessary information needed to devise a cannabis treatment plan that is appropriate for individual cases.
According to the Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada ( ADHD in adults is labeled as a neurological disorder that is also seen as a mental health condition.
Originally parents believed their children would grow out of their ADHD symptoms once they reached adulthood, however now we have evidence that over sixty percent of adults have some form of impairing symptoms. In childhood, many may have been diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and received treatment, however as adults people are unaware of the challenges that are caused by ADHD until diagnosed. The prevalence rate of ADHD in adults is about four percent. ADHD is a global disorder recognized worldwide.
ADHD symptoms often include difficulty in maintaining focus for a longer period of time, inability to break focus as well as difficulty prioritizing focus to a point that it becomes an impairment which may result in impulsivity and hyperactivity. In childhood, three types of ADHD can be determined which is based on the kind of symptoms that are displayed. This can be primarily inattentive (also known as ADD), a combination of all three symptoms and primarily hyperactive which is extremely rare. Symptoms associated with primarily inattentive subtype of ADHD may be difficult to identify as they may be internalized.
Adult ADHD Treatments Need to be Multimodal.
- ADHD Education: Advise family members on childhood versus adulthood symptoms
- Explore how symptoms may impact another individual
- Prepare individualized therapeutic strategies for coping
- Maintain home and workplace accommodations to reduce impairments
- Review and assess whether coping strategies and accommodations benefitted your life. Review treatment options with a psychologist or therapist (mindfulness, CBT), ADHD coach, or physician.
Although some patients use cannabis as a complementary therapy for alleviating the ill effects of prescription drugs, many prefer it as the primary treatment to alleviate ADHD symptoms. Stimulant medication treatments aim to increase dopamine production, something that’s impaired for some ADHD patients. THC, a substance present in cannabis, helps increase dopamine production. Cannabis can help with anxiety, depression, behavioral problems as well as hyperactivity.
The world has only just begun researching the effects of cannabis on ADHD. Even though there is limited data available, a growing number of studies indicate that cannabis acts as an effective primary and complementary treatment to counter ADHD symptoms.
Information on medical cannabis and ADHD found here:
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Alzheimer’s Disease
It’s a chronic autoimmune disease that terminates brain cells, leading to the loss of memory over time. It is the leading cause of dementia, in sixty to seventy percent of cases. Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging and it is the reason people have a challenging time remembering their past which is one of the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s.
Over 747,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association ( Approximately 44 million people have been diagnosed with dementia and are currently living with it. That is currently more than the total population of Canada, making the disease a global health crisis.
Over the last 30 years, extensive research on dementia has provided a lot of information on the effects of Alzheimer’s disease on the brain. Although there are no treatments to prevent Alzheimer’s at the moment, there are ways to improve brain health as well as some medications that help treat the symptoms of dementia. Research is ongoing to find effective cures and treatments as well as on how to prevent the disease in the first place.
Given the growing population of dementia patients around the world, there is a need for alternative therapeutic options. Most options that are currently available have an inconsistent evidence base and unreliable side-effect profiles. Although the full effect of medical cannabis on dementia remains unknown, it has emerged as a popular potential alternative treatment option. Cannabis engages the neurotransmitter systems that are affected by neuropsychiatric symptoms.
Alzheimer’s information on the disease and treatment comes from the Alzheimer’s Association at:
Information for medical cannabis and Alzheimers can be found in the following paper:
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According to the government of Canada[1], Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental health problems. There are about one in ten Canadians, who have been diagnosed with it. Anxiety disorders can be treated successfully which is why it is crucial to know the difference between being anxious due to a response to a real-time event vs an anxiety disorder that stimulates a response of fear or distress that is out of proportion to the situation in question.
- Phobias
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Panic Disorder
- Separation Anxiety
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Anxiety disorders can be treated successfully with a treatment plan. The traditional form for curing anxiety is using drug therapy and cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT). Many anxiety disorders have biological reasonings, therefore the drugs which are commonly prescribed are anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications.
Cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT): Its purpose is to assist individuals to reverse their overpowering anxious thoughts into rational ones. People learn more from being exposed to a concept, they fear in real life, in a controlled environment. Some disorders specifically use CBT techniques. People dealing with panic disorders can benefit from learning new therapeutic relief methods (meditations, breathing exercises, and yoga) to better control their anxiety.
Have your friends and family who are affected by the disorder, take part in support groups. It’s a great way to get them to learn more about the disorder while helping them recover or learn how to live with the condition.
For proper treatment and relief consider getting an evaluation diagnosis done from a specialist in anxiety disorders. Many people suffer for 10+ years before deciding to get the right treatment.
For many patients, medical cannabis has been proven to be an effective option to counter the symptoms of anxiety disorders. CBD – also called cannabidiol or cannabinoid – has anti-anxiety properties which makes it a very good treatment option. Federal laws in Canada restrict the use of CBD for recreational purposes, it has to be obtained through a Licensed Producer (LP) under Canada’s medical cannabis laws. BMCC can help you combat anxiety, follow the link below.
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Arthritis is a term used to describe a group of over 100 diseases specified by inflammation in the joints or other areas of the body, according to the Canadian Arthritis Society. Inflammation is medically described as redness and swelling which leads to pain in the joints. This can lead to greater nerve damage, such as stiffness. If left untreated can result in disability, such as loss of mobility.
Arthritis is derived from ‘Arthro’ as in joint and ‘itis’ as in inflammation. It can affect almost any part of the body but is found most prominently in the hip, knee, or other weight-bearing joints. Some arthritis can affect other non-weight-bearing joints in the body. It is a chronic condition that can affect your daily life regularly.
Over 6 million Canadians suffer from arthritis and struggle with pain daily. Medication is a popular option as a treatment for arthritis. Certain medications can provide pain relief and in certain cases reduce inflammation, which can lead to reduced joint damage. Medications like Tramadol, opioids, and duloxetine are often used to contain osteoarthritis pain. While prescribed medications are frequently used, other options, such as a proper diet, lifestyle changes, exercise, and other physical therapies should also be considered as healthy alternatives.
Tramadol is usually used as an alternative treatment for osteoarthritis affecting the hips and the knee. It is mostly prescribed for patients who are unable to take or process acetaminophen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Tramadol can be used with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetaminophen as well.
For moderate to severe hip and knee pain that’s caused by osteoarthritis that does not respond to other treatments including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and acetaminophen, Opioids including Tramadol, is often used as a second-line medication and can be used over short periods for treating pain caused by inflammatory arthritis.
Duloxetine, a medication commonly used as an antidepressant, is also used as a second-line medication to treat osteoarthritis that affects the knees, as it has shown positive effects for patients with partial or no response to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetaminophen.
Source: Arthritis Society
Since 2001, in Canada, legal medical cannabis has been a treatment option for particular health conditions including arthritis. Cannabis is not a cure for arthritis, but people have stated it helps manage their pain.
There is a lot of research that suggests cannabis helps alleviate pain and aids pain management. It also promotes sleep and helps reduce inflammation. Several in-hospital studies indicate that when compared to placebo, patients using pain-relieving medicine of cannabinoid bases have experienced reductions in pain and reported an improvement in sleep quality.
Source: Arthritis Society
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Autoimmune Disorder
Autoimmune diseases are type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis that affects people of all ages, including millions of Canadians according to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research[1]. This disorder is recognized as the human body’s immune system falsely attacking healthy normal cells believing them to be harmful. Researchers across Canada are working to find cures and treatments for these conditions. Not all use the same research methods which can disrupt findings.
Autoimmune Disease includes the following:
Celiac Disease: Celiac Disease is a serious autoimmune disease that takes place during ingestion of gluten, and leads to damage in the small intestine according to the Celiac Disease Foundation[1]. It affects 1 in 100 people worldwide, whereas two and a half million undiagnosed Americans are said to be at risk of developing complicated health concerns.
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes Mellitus also known as type 1 diabetes is when little or almost no insulin is being produced by the pancreas. The resulting excessive sugar levels in the body tend to increase urination, thirst, hunger as well as weight loss.
Graves’ Disease: Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease that enlarges the thyroid. It is also called a toxic diffuse goitre and is the leading cause of hyperthyroidism.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): The term Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD is used to describe autoimmune disorders that involve chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. Ulcerative colitis is a type of IBD that leads to long-term inflammation, sores, and ulcers on the inner lining of the rectum as well as the colon or large intestine.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Multiple sclerosis causes the insulating covers of nerve cells present in the spinal cord and brain to be damaged, thus disrupting several communication channels in the nervous system. This leads to several symptoms that include physical, mental, and often, psychiatric problems as well.
Psoriasis: This autoimmune disease is often characterized by patches of damaged and abnormal skin that’s typically dry, itchy, red, and scaly. It is long-lasting and can vary in its severity, from small regions or patches to covering large swathes of the body.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): This autoimmune disease usually affects the joints, resulting in pain and swelling, and can be long-lasting. The stiffness and pain associated with RA can worsen after periods of rest. It mostly affects the hands and the wrists.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: This chronic disease affects the blood vessel linings and the cartilages that provide the necessary flexibility and strength for the rest of the body. It leads to inflammation of the important connective tissues and weakens them in the process.
In the past, treatments for autoimmune diseases had a tendency to concentrate on lowering the effectiveness of the immune system through immunosuppression. New medications for diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus act as ‘guided missiles’ to target specific problems in the body. Although there have been improvements in the treatment, scientists are still struggling to understand what causes autoimmune diseases and how they can be cured.
Source: St Michael’s Hospital – Treating inflammation with inflammation: Keenan research examines a new approach to treating autoimmune disease
Several experimental models that have tested the use of cannabinoids indicate promising potential for its use as an anti-inflammatory agent to counter autoimmune diseases. The tests show that cannabinoids help shield the host from pathogenesis by initiating multiple anti-inflammatory pathways.
According to several studies, patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease can greatly benefit from the chemicals present in the cannabis plant. A 2010 study in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics indicates that chemicals like THC and CBD stimulate the specific cells that are responsible for healthy immune responses and gut functions. The study further states that the body produces THC-like compounds that increase the intestine’s permeability. This condition is also known as ‘leaky gut’ as it allows bacteria to slowly seep into the gut. Cannabinoids present in cannabis can effectively counter such compounds and lead to more tightly bonded cells in the intestine, reducing permeability.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can severely impact an individual’s quality of life. It can impact brain development that results in patients facing difficulties with communication and social interactions, repeating specific behavioral patterns, having a restricted and limited range of interests and activities, etc.
Typically, medical conditions such as gut or gastrointestinal abnormalities, sleep disorders, epilepsy, immune dysregulation as well as mental health problems including depression and anxiety are known to accompany ASD.
The varied range of its severity and impairment is indicated in the term ‘spectrum’, with differences occurring in the following:
- Number and particular kinds of symptoms
- Degree of severity
- Age of onset
- Levels of functioning
- Difficulty in social settings
ASD can be classified into three groups of diseases, Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder:
- Autistic Disorder: When most people think of the word autism, it is the effects of Autistic Disorder that come to mind. Patients suffering from Autistic Disorder can experience intellectual and learning disabilities as well as communication challenges. This makes social interactions extremely challenging.
- Asperger’s Syndrome: Asperger’s Syndrome is not typically associated with learning and intellectual disabilities. It generally is much milder and causes less pronounced symptoms than Autistic Disorder.
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder: This term is used for those patients who display much milder symptoms than Autistic Disorder or Asperger’s Syndrome. People with pervasive developmental disorders usually do not face much difficulty in communication or social situations.
Source: Autism Canada
Historically, treatments have included speech therapy, occupational and behavioral therapies, as well as the use of pharmaceutical drugs, although there is no evidence of any medication affecting the three most distinguished characteristics of autism: communication difficulties, activities, and day to day behaviour that induces self-harm.
It is also important to note that treating medical conditions, associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder, such as gastrointestinal problems, sleep disorders, ADHD, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc., can help in overall recovery.
A study published in 2015 has opened up the avenues for therapeutic uses of endocannabinoid drugs, including THC and CBD. The study suggests that the endocannabinoid system can play a key role in maintaining central nervous system as well as overall health. They can be used to counter neurodegenerative, neuroinflammatory as well as psychiatric disorders.
While there are several potential benefits of using cannabis oil to counter the symptoms, there is still a lack of scientific data that can conclusively declare it as a treatment for autism. However, significant research is being conducted on the use of cannabis oil as a potential treatment for autism, offering optimism that medical cannabis can be considered as a treatment option.
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Back Pain
According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association, back pain is a complex condition with multiple contributors to pain, including physical, social, and psychological factors. Lifestyle factors such as obesity, lack of exercise can also aggravate lower back pain.
During rest and in motion, our backs play a strong part in our bodies. More body mass places a greater weight on our spines and other joints. Research shows that a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) increases the risk of suffering from back pain. With growing rates of obesity, Canadians are increasing their chances of developing back pain.
The main reason for getting an opioid prescription is to be able to deal with lower back pain. Opioid has been known for misuse and increasing risks. Evidence suggests that medication should not be the main reason for the treatment of lower back pain. Recent guidelines list alternative treatment methods including self-management, therapy, physical activity, and psychological therapies. The rise of alternative remedies, pharmacological and surgical interventions has reduced the severity of lower back pain.
Chiropractors are also trained to assess and diagnose back pain, as well as offer comprehensive treatment plans.
CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) found in marijuana offer natural assistance, and exert benefits like the relief of inflammation, discomfort, and restlessness caused by back pain. Medical cannabis is a powerful tool in alleviating pain, removing the need for harmful opioids.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a medical term for a condition that causes a person to go through periods of repeated depression and elevated moods according to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
Bipolar disorder consists of three stages
- Mania: A high state
- Depression: A low state
- Well State: Normal level of functioning
All types of people experience emotional ups and downs, however, the mood swings for people with bipolar disorder are much more extreme.
Source: CAMH (Canadian Mental Health Association)
There are two traditional treatments for bipolar disorder, namely medication and, psychotherapy. Generally, both treatments are needed to bring symptoms to a moderate level. Medication is needed first.
There are three types of medication used to treat bipolar disorder:
- Mood stabilizers
- Anti-psychotics
- Antidepressants
Similar to any other chronic disorder such as hypertension or diabetes, bipolar disorder can be controlled with a healthy lifestyle and treatment. The bipolar disorder treatment is targeted to help the person feel like themselves again.
- Relieve symptoms till no longer distressed
- Social functioning and work improvements
- Preventing the risk of relapse
Medical cannabis does not fully treat bipolar disorder. However, recent studies have indicated that it can have a significant effect on its symptoms. Medical cannabis can help enhance patients’ regular day–to–day routines by reducing stress, anxiety, depression, mood swings, and restlessness.
The serotonin compounds found in cannabis are also found inside the brain which plays a large role in our emotional state. When serotonin levels are kept in balance, this can greatly improve one’s feelings of depression or unworthiness.
Please Note: In extreme cases, patients might experience suicidal thoughts. Medical cannabis should not be considered as a cure for bipolar disorder and has not been scientifically proven to fully treat the condition. In such severe cases, it is best to seek the help of our medical practitioners.
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According to the National Cancer Institute[1],cancer is an umbrella term used for a group of related diseases. In a human body that is made of trillions of cells, cancer
can emerge anywhere. In a healthy system, the body grows new cells to replace the old cells that become damaged or die out over time. These new cells further divide to form new cells again. This natural order gets altered as cancer develops. The cells act abnormally. New cells form without need, old and damaged cells are not replaced and cells divide ceaselessly and eventually spread to surrounding tissue. When the extra cells keep on dividing, they form abnormal masses of tissue called tumors. Several types of cancer lead to solid tumors although cancers affecting the blood, like leukemia, generally don’t lead to one.
Cancer cells are malevolent from the start. They can spread into the surrounding tissues, and as they grow, they can spread cancer cells to various parts of the body through the blood system. This leads to new tumors elsewhere in the body.
Benign tumors typically do not spread into surrounding tissues, and once removed, do not usually grow back, unlike the malignant cancerous tumors. Although they can be quite large, most benign tumors are not life-threatening.
Source: National Cancer Institute
There are several types of cancer treatments: these include traditional surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Treatments often include hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplants.
Cancer specialists are also known as oncologists, specializing in radiation therapy or chemotherapy and other drug therapies, are in charge of cancer treatments. Surgeons use their skills to remove tumors from growing.
Treatment depends on many factors which include:
- Type of Cancer
- Stage of Cancer
- Any personal preferences
- Your age group
Chemotherapy: This popular treatment for several different cancers involves the use of strong enough drugs to destroy cancer cells. But, in the process, chemotherapy can also weaken the system.
Radiation Therapy: This treatment method uses powerful radiation that can damage cancer cells, but in the process can also attack healthy ones.
Surgery: This involves carefully removing the cancerous region through an incision.
Several recent studies on the effects of cannabis on cancer have shown promising results. THC present in cannabis has been effective in damaging and killing certain types of cancer cells and helped block the development of tumors. Another compound present in cannabis, CBD, has demonstrated promising results in treating breast cancer cells while limiting its effect on healthy ones. Alongside these positive effects, medical cannabis can also aid in pain relief, reduce inflammation and increase appetite.
Using drugs that contain cannabinoids, cannabis, or a combination of both can help you relax and improve the quality of your overall day-to-day life. But according to recent studies, the exact effect of cannabis can vary. Many patients have found that using cannabis helps in coping with the various side effects and symptoms of cancer.
Nausea & Vomiting: These are typical side effects of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and a few other cancer treatments. Recent research indicates that some cannabinoids can effectively relieve both nausea and vomiting. Canada has approved the use of Nabilone (Cesamet), a pill that contains synthetic cannabinoids, to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. It is often prescribed to patients suffering from cancer to help relieve these symptoms when traditional anti-nausea drugs fail.
Loss of Appetite: Loss of appetite is typical for patients suffering from cancer and it is often accompanied by weight loss (called cachexia when severe) as well. Many people have reported that taking cannabis leads to an increase in appetite, although there haven’t been any conclusive studies that support these claims. As of now, research on the effects of cannabis and cannabinoids on the loss of appetite and weight loss has not shown clear results.
Pain: Although there is not much research to support it, some individuals have claimed that using cannabis has helped them find relief from severe, long-term chronic pain. There have been some clinical trials where cannabis has helped decrease pain levels among certain patients.
Source: Canadian Cancer Society
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Chronic Fatigue
According to Health Canada, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), is a debilitating and potentially disabling illness. CFS/ME is known to affect multiple systems in the body but is still not fully understood by the medical community. It affects over half a million Canadians.
CFS/ME can be characterized by
- Recurring, persistent, or unexplained fatigue that prevents you from performing normal day to day activities and taking rest makes little difference
- feeling unwell even after a mild mental/physical activity, a mental/physical activity done normally or worsening of current symptoms (malaise after a mental/physical activity);
- headaches, muscle and/or joint pain;
- Disrupted sleep quality, unrefreshed sleep, sleep rhythm issues (sleep dysfunction);
- Feeling ‘foggy’, memory and concentration problems, cognitive dysfunction
There could also be other immune system / nervous system responses. These include, but are not limited to
- Heart rate abnormalities
- Feeling cold or feverish in the arms and legs (thermoregulation problems)
- Light and sound hypersensitivity
- Tenderness in lymph nodes
- Mental health ailments such as anxiety, depression
- Gastrointestinal abnormalities
Throughout the disease, the symptoms and severity of symptoms might vary and fluctuate.
According to the Government of Canada, Health Canada resources there is currently no cure for ME/CFS.
Treatment includes helping the patients manage the symptoms through medication, specially designed exercise programs, psychotherapy (for patients who experience anxiety, depression), lifestyle adjustments, and alternative therapies to help them deal with ME/CFS.
The outcome of the disease is unpredictable: patients may fully recover, or they may experience their symptoms getting better/ remaining unchanged/ getting worse over time.
It is not uncommon to see relapse after recovery.
Although many believe that chronic fatigue syndrome stems from dysregulation of multiple systems in the body, the truth is that the disease is multifaceted and can originate from several unknown causes. Dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, and irritability are some of the dozens of symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. This is why many people remain skeptical regarding its treatment.
Fatigue that cannot be helped or reduced with rest or sleep is classified as chronic fatigue. Till now, there has been little scientific research regarding the effects of cannabis on chronic fatigue syndrome. However, developments in the research involving other diseases processes that share the same symptomatology offer more supporting evidence.
The relaxing effects of cannabis often cause individuals to grow skeptical in regards to treating chronic fatigue syndrome with it. While most people use cannabis for relaxing, sleeping, etc. certain cannabis products can also help boost moods, harness focus, and increase energy levels.
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Chronic Pain
If pain persists for more than three months, it is defined as Chronic Pain according to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health[1]. It could appear in the form of symptoms including musculoskeletal pain, headache, visceral pain, pain arising due to rheumatic disease, cancer pain, and neuropathic pain. Approximately, 25% of adults in Canada suffer from chronic pain conditions. Prevalence estimates of chronic pain can vary depending on the assessment method and the population being surveyed.
Chronic pain can be treated in traditional ways including the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, over-the-counter pain medication (analgesics), and opioid therapy (in extreme cases). Chronic pain can manifest in many forms that are resistant to treatment and can induce increased pain as time goes on.
Chronic pain can get difficult to manage and various therapies including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), focus on exercise and diet, regular stretching and, other positive lifestyle changes are included in treatment plans. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help “rewire” the brain effectively and return altered pathways to their original state. CBT helps chronic pain patients “rethink” their suffering and pain and instead focus on other aspects of life.
Standard treatment medications tend to offer limited pain relief and are usually associated with adverse effects. This has shifted the medical community’s attention to the use of cannabis-based medicines. Based on one systematic review of guidelines and four overviews (with overlapping systematic reviews), there seems to be a suggestion of benefit with cannabis-based medicines for neuropathic pain. However, the benefits and harms need to be weighed against each other. If patients suffer from Fibromyalgia, Crohn’s Disease, multiple sclerosis, and musculoskeletal pain, research findings state that the effects of cannabis-based medicines are inconsistent This is after six evidence-based guidelines were identified. Recommendations for chronic neuropathic pain are addressed by the majority of the guidelines. The guidelines state that cannabis-based medicines could be considered for patients with chronic non-cancer pain, neuropathic pain, as a course of treatment but with some caution. Two guidelines do not recommend the use of cannabis-based medicines to treat pain associated with fibromyalgia as well as back pain. One guideline advised against the use of such medicines to treat pains associated with headache, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. One guideline states that when it comes to pain management in multiple sclerosis, cannabis medicines may or may not be used for treatment as it depends on the type of the medicine as well as the patients’ condition.
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According to CAMH, Clinical Depression or major depression runs deeper than just the feeling of unhappiness. It is an extremely complex mood disorder that can be caused by several factors such as stress, personality, brain chemistry as well as genetic predisposition. Although it can subside for a while on its own, getting over depression takes a lot of help, care, and support.
According to CAMH, depression can be associated with a sad, despairing mood that:
- lasts for more than two weeks
- impairs the person’s performance at work, at school, or in social relationships.
- is present most of the day and can last the entire day
Other symptoms of depression include:
- changes in appetite and weight
- sleep problems
- loss of interest in hobbies, people, work, or sex
- withdrawal from family members and friends
- feeling useless, hopeless, excessively guilty, pessimistic, or having low self-esteem
- agitation or feeling slowed down
- irritability
- fatigue
- trouble concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
- inability to cry despite feeling the need to cry, crying easily thoughts of suicide (which should always be taken seriously)
- a loss of touch with reality, hearing voices (hallucinations) or having strange ideas (delusions).
To determine whether a person is suffering from depression or not, medical practitioners ask questions such as whether an individual is feeling hopeless or whether they have any interest left in their hobbies.
Follow-up assessments may ask about:
- Personal feelings, thoughts, and behavior
- Mental health history and helpful treatments in the past
- Physical health issues
- Family history related to mental health
- Affairs of your day-to-day life like work, relationships, school, etc.
Although health care professionals carry out various tests to rule out conditions that display similar symptoms to depression, there are no tests to determine the disease.
The most common treatments used for depression are:
- Pharmacotherapy (prescription medicines), like antidepressants
- Psychoeducation
- Psychotherapy
- Brain stimulation therapies like electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), magnetic seizure therapy (MST), and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)
The above-mentioned treatments can be used individually or in combination, depending on the case. Families and friends along with self-help organizations can play an important part in the treatment. There is also recovery for people suffering from depression.
Clinical depression can take time to cure and the person has to be dealt with patiently. This condition needs to be tackled throughout a person’s lifetime. Disorders similar to depression, like diabetes, can be effectively controlled and managed through a combination of treatments and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Keeping an eye out for early warnings can also prevent a relapse.
Link here for source (**PLEASE REFERENCE):
According to Canadian Cannabis Clinics research has indicated that medical cannabis might be useful for treating conditions such as depression. THC and CBD (two of the major compounds of medical cannabis) both act on the brain and could potentially increase serotonin and theoretically help treat depression.
Medical cannabis can also help with the issues leading to depression as well as potentially allay some of its symptoms. It can help treat chronic pain, insomnia, and anxiety: symptoms that usually go hand-in-hand with depression. This can potentially disrupt the onset of depression in the first place.
A study published in 2014 by the Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health indicates that medical cannabis might be a very good option for people suffering from depression. The study suggests that pain management is just one of the potential benefits. Participants in the study also showed a decreased level of anxiety as well as improved sleep quality after using medical cannabis for their depression.
Researchers at the University of Buffalo have focused on endocannabinoids, a particular set of chemicals in the brain that play a crucial role in regulating emotions and behavioral therapy. In their research, they found that endocannabinoids have a similar chemical makeup to that of medical cannabis. The study indicates that the use of medical cannabis to treat depression can aid with the restoration of normal levels of endocannabinoids in the brain, which would help manage the symptoms of depression.
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As per the Canadian Epilepsy Alliance, Epilepsy can be described as a neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system, specifically the brain. One of the defining characteristics of epilepsy is the tendency to have recurring seizures.
Symptoms of Epilepsy in a person can be seen in the form of:
- two or more reflex/unprovoked seizures
- at least one reflex/unprovoked seizure with a high chance of having another one
- diagnosis of an epilepsy syndrome
Epilepsy has been classified as a disease by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), rather than a disorder, to better convey that epilepsy is a serious medical condition.
Epilepsy seizures can be controlled but sadly there is no cure for epilepsy.
A common treatment for seizures normally includes the administration of anti-epileptic medication: it cannot cure epilepsy or stop the tendency to have seizures but it can help bring down the seizure activity. For patients on whom these drugs are administered, the seizures can be eliminated in almost half (50%) of the cases. Drugs on the other hand can reduce the occurrence as well as the intensity of the seizures in another 30% of the patients. The remaining 20% of patients tend to have seizures that cannot be controlled through conventional medication and drug therapy. They could be drug-resistant or they may require administration of a large dose of a drug or require more than one drug.
Futuristic approaches to epilepsy treatment could see new forms of stimulation to the brain through implanted devices that can help deliver the medication directly. These electronic stimulations can be administered to those areas of the brain where the seizures arise, for transplant of immature brain cells to replace missing or damaged neurons, and for conducting gene therapy.
There is now class 1 evidence to suggest that adjunctive use of CBD has shown improvement in controlling seizures in patients with specific epilepsy syndromes. Controlled studies have shown medical cannabis can lower seizures in patients of different ages. CBD is one of the most useful compounds that is being used to treat neurological symptoms that are associated with epilepsy. In some cases, THC has also worked well to treat epilepsy symptoms and a combination of CBD and THC worked best. The administration of both drugs together and its effect is commonly dubbed as the ‘entourage effect’.
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According to the Arthritis Society, Fibromyalgia (FM) is a medical condition that is believed to affect the central nervous system. One of the most common symptoms associated with FM is widespread pain. This pain can be experienced in one or more places present throughout the body. The pain can differ from person to person, depending on the mobility of the person and the pain may change intensity on a daily or even an hourly basis. Patients who suffer from FM can also experience other symptoms which include difficulty in sleeping, fatigue, mood swings, lack of memory and inability to concentrate, gastrointestinal problems including diarrhea/constipation and also having a heightened and increased sensitivity to pressure and touch.
FM is not an uncommon condition and affects about 2% of Canadians. FM is primarily found in women (80-90% of patients suffering from FM are women) but it can also be found in teenagers, children, and men. FM should not be mistaken for a disease of the joints and it is not a degenerative or inflammatory condition either. There is no link between permanent damage to muscles, joints, and bones because of FM. Like arthritis, FM can cause pain and fatigue and thus can have a significant impact on a person’s daily life.
Currently, there is no cure for Fibromyalgia however by incorporating exercise, meditation, relaxation, and other lifestyle changes that reduce stress, has proved effective in lowering symptoms. Most people who suffer from FM find methods to reduce the pain and discomfort over time.
There is no ‘one treatment fits all’ that proves useful for everyone but people with FM will over time discover that with the help of a healthcare team they can figure out what course of action brings relief from symptoms. One of the most important things to be kept in mind when suffering from FM is to remain physically active. You might face difficulties initially to take up activities but begin regular exercise at a pace comfortable to you. This has been shown to reduce pain as well as the feeling of fatigue and helps overcome sleep difficulties and improves mood. For the majority of patients, medications show little effect to relieve symptoms and the benefits often fall short in front of the side effects. However, incorporating health-related practices which include regular activities, a healthy diet, weight management, and living a life and routine that keeps stress at bay can help reduce the overall symptoms associated with FM. Overcoming all the symptoms is usually not possible and therefore the aim of the treatment should be at reducing symptoms allowing patients suffering from FM to lead an active and enjoyable life.
Less than half the patients suffering from FM find little relief from the medication prescribed. This is why many are encouraged to turn to medical cannabis to help deal with symptoms. Every day, the medical community is discovering more and more about the correlation between fibromyalgia and medical cannabis as an effective treatment option. A National Pain Foundation Survey from 2014 discovered that the three prescription drugs prescribed by the FDA are not as effective as medical cannabis for treating FM. A double-blind (randomized) placebo study (using nabilone – synthetic cannabinoid), on those suffering from FM, showed positive and promising results as well: it was “well-tolerated” by the test subjects and was shown to reduce symptoms of FM. Another study was conducted on a different cannabinoid (synthetic) which too showed a good amount of reduction in pain with no adverse side effects reported (except for maybe a dry mouth).
This in no way suggests that cannabis can magically fix the symptoms of FM but it can be considered as a viable solution and can be added to your medical routine. A study from 2011 outlining the use of medical cannabis for FM patients can serve as a good example:
The study stated that patients who used cannabis found relief from almost all the symptoms that are associated with FM and not just pain management. There was no report of the symptoms worsening after using cannabis. The proportion of patients who affirmed relief fell between 81% for sleep disorders and about 14% for headaches.
The efficacy and efficiency of cannabis on a variety of symptoms varied but the positive aspect was that no single patient complained about the symptoms worsening after the use of cannabis. The symptoms which showed improvement were sleep disturbances, pain, stiffness, anxiety, and troubled mood. Even a slight relief in the symptoms can improve the quality of life for a patient who has been suffering from chronic pain and long-term suffering. The percentage of people who reported improved sleep patterns was as high as 81%. Sleepless nights can further aggravate the symptoms and affect the quality of life and patients greatly appreciate being able to get their sleep cycles on track.
Studies specific to the correlation between medicinal cannabis and fibromyalgia have only been taken seriously in the past decade or so. It would take years to conduct quality research based on which health care systems can start utilizing these breakthrough treatment options and emerging trends in cannabis treatment especially for treating FM. If you are suffering and are in pain – you need not suffer anymore!
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HIV’s full form is Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus affects the human immune system and weakens the body’s built-in ability and defense against various illnesses and diseases. However, if proper care and treatment are given, people who are tested for HIV+ can go on to lead long and healthy lives without passing it on to others. Sadly, there is no vaccination against the prevention of HIV but you can follow methods and steps to avoid passing on or contracting HIV.
According to the National HIV Estimates, about 26,050 Canadians, at the end of 2018, were living with HIV. The current prevalence rate translates to 167 people living with HIV for every 100,000 Canadians. The same estimates and study also show that an estimated 8,300 Canadians were unaware that they were living with HIV and went undiagnosed at the end of 2018. This number translates to 13% of the people who live with HIV.
HIV can easily be diagnosed and detected through a blood test. Some tests however may not be able to detect the presence of the virus in the first 2-4 weeks since contracting the HIV infection. However, you could still easily pass along the virus to others as this is the highly infectious stage. Your health care provider might ask for a repeat test and there could be a chance for you to test positive for HIV despite having tested negative for it previously.
Different testing sites across Canada offer varying testing options and services. Some sites offer the following service:
- testing done anonymously
- only you’ll know the results of the test
- identifying information such as the name of the patient is not collected
- Self Testing / Point of Care: Rapid HIV Testing
- you’ll get your test result almost immediately
- if the test results are positive, they should be confirmed by a healthcare provider after performing further testing
- online testing
- you’ll get your laboratory form and receive your results in person
The good news is that in the past few years, thanks to medical advancement, highly effective treatments have come to the forefront to manage HIV infection. If you start treatment early, it is possible to live a long and healthy life.
HIV Positive patients can be treated with the help of antiretroviral medications. These medications are part of the antiretroviral therapy (ART) and they can help by:
- suppressing the viral load and reducing the amount of HIV in your body
- slowing down the spread of the virus in your body
- helping your immune system fight off other infections
HIV treatment can go a long way in improving the quality of life of people coping with HIV and can also prevent further HIV transmission.
The Canadian AIDS Society published a paper on Cannabis as Therapy for People Living with HIV/AIDS: “Our Right, Our Choice” ( and found that, as many as 14% to 37% of patients who tested HIV Positive / have AIDS turn to cannabis to help manage their symptoms which include wasting, nausea, vomiting, pain, anxiety, depression, appetite loss, stress to name a few. It has also been estimated that approximately several thousand Canadians turn to the use of medicinal cannabis for other conditions which includes fighting side effects caused by chemotherapy for cancer, spinal cord injuries/ disease, acute pain due to arthritis, multiple sclerosis as well as seizures due to epilepsy.
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As per the Government of Canada, inflammation is a very natural part of our body and its immune system. It isa power protection the body provides with undeniable adaptability to different situations. If inflammation is allowed to build up in the body in an uncontrolled manner, it could lead to other chronic conditions and diseases including asthma, IBD, arthritis, and transplant rejection as well.
Over the years there has been considerable progress to understand the correlation between the body’s inflammatory response to tissue injury and infection. Other inflammatory conditions such as autoimmune diseases and chronic infections have only been partially understood. This holds merit especially in the context of aging societies which are inflicted by increased health care costs and suffering due to the presence of increasing disease and illness.
When the body suffers acute injury such as a sprained ankle, a scraped elbow, the body’s response to this is acute inflammation. The National Library of Medicine states that acute inflammation presents itself to localized injury spots and could also include swelling, pain, heat, redness and in some extreme situations, could also result in loss of function.
When tissues are damaged, they release Cytokines to respond to acute inflammation. Hormones, Immune cells, and other systems get triggered because of the Cytokines and begin to act on the damage to allow the body to heal. If there is an infection, the body then fights off outside invaders and bacteria by raising the core temperature to kill viruses and bacteria that may cause further harm.
Vasodilation is another physiological process that takes place along with increased blood flow to the area suffering from inflammation. This allows the tissues to heal faster and this is what could cause the redness and warmth that is usually associated with inflammation. Acute inflammation tends to subside fairly quickly once the body and damaged tissue has healed allowing the body to go back to normal. However, if acute inflammation does not subside it could lead to more serious issues like chronic inflammation.
While researchers know that chronic inflammation plays a role in advancing other diseases in the body, they are still discovering the mechanisms and underlying causes behind chronic inflammation and what they could imply for overall health.
Chronic inflammation differs from acute inflammation as it affects the entire body and not just the localized site of injury as seen in acute inflammation. It is usually low-grade inflammation that is present in the body at all times.
The immune system releases white blood cells to fight off a perceived threat and is the body’s response to chronic inflammation. However, if there is no threat, the white blood cells could begin attacking internal organs and healthy tissues.
Take, for example, the increased risk of heart attack and stroke caused due to chronic inflammation. There could be a build-up of plaque if inflammatory cells remain in the blood vessels for a long period. The immune system then tends to perceive this plaque build-up as a threat and could cause inflammation to block plaque build-up in the rest of the blood vessel. If the plaque goes on to become unstable or lose, it could further lead to a clot that would block blood flow which would ultimately cause a stroke or heart attack.
According to the Arthritis Society of Canada, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a class of medication used to treat the pain and inflammation of arthritis. They come under “non-steroidal” as they do not contain steroids. NSAIDs cover a large range of medications and some can even be obtained without a prescription. Examples of NSAIDs which can be bought without prescription include ibuprofen (e.g. Advil®, Motrin®), acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) – (e.g. Aspirin®, Novasen®, Entrophen®), and naproxen (Aleve®) with more than 20 available. A COXIB (Celebrex® ie celecoxib) has been designed specifically to treat and reduce the risk of stomach ulcers. COXIBs assure that they are safe for the stomach but they may come with other side effects associated with NSAIDs and could cause stomach cramps, heartburn, indigestion, and nausea.
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health states that a variety of naturopathic products can also be administered to reduce inflammation. These include the devil’s claw, turmeric, willow bark. In the naturopathic world, “Golden Milk” – a mix of milk, turmeric, and pepper has gained immense popularity as a natural anti-inflammatory drink.
A study conducted in 2010, titled “Cannabinoids As Novel Anti-Inflammatory Drugs”, went on to show the effect of cannabinoids on treating inflammation. The study went on to show that cannabinoids tend to act on both the CB1 and CB2 receptors present in the immune system which decreases the production of cytokine as well as chemokine which plays a part in triggering chronic inflammation. The study then went on to conclude that cannabinoids can suppress inflammatory responses and can be used to lower disease symptoms. This property present in cannabinoids can be mediated through various pathways for eg. suppression of cytokines, chemokines at the inflammatory sites, induction of apoptosis in activated immune cells, and upregulating FoxP3 regulatory T Cells.
More research in this field is needed to study the role cannabinoids play in treating inflammation. With the recent legalization of cannabis, these studies should not be too far along. Various subjective reports have found that people who use cannabis to manage inflammation and pain have found a reduction in their symptoms.
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Irritable Bowel Disease
According to the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a disorder affecting the intestine. IBS refers to problems with the movement of digested food through the intestines (motility). It also affects the sensitivity of the brain in intercepting signals from the intestinal nerve endings which results in changes in bowel patterns, abdominal pain, and other symptoms that may also arise. It is comforting to know that although IBS is found to be disruptive, embarrassing, and debilitating, it is not, however, life-threatening and does not lead to other serious diseases such as cancer.
In comparison to the world, Canada shows the highest rates of IBS estimated at a whopping 18% as compared to 11% for the rest of the world (Lovell et al.2012). However, it is possible that IBS remains unreported or goes underdiagnosed. Gastrointestinal Society in 2016 found that more than 70% of subjects indicated that their symptoms prevent them from living an everyday routine and a shocking 46% reported that they had to miss school or work due to IBS.
IBS patients tend to feel depressed, self-conscious, or even embarrassed. What is cumbersome is the inability to predict symptoms on a day-to-day basis. IBS tends to limit productivity as well as performance at work or school, could affect the quality of relationships, and could also limit a person’s social interactions and participation in social events as found by Gastrointestinal Society in 2018.
IBS also has a personal financial burden with individuals sometimes trying multiple over-the-counter (OTC) treatments and alternative therapies in their quest to be symptom-free; costs can be significant due to gross misinformation about the efficacy of these self-styled remedies (Gastrointestinal Society 2018).
The underlying root cause of IBS remains unclear as diagnostic disease markers are absent in the case of IBS. It is recommended that doctors make positive diagnoses using a person’s symptoms as marking criteria.
To recognize the subtypes of IBS, the Rome IV criteria is used which is based on a person’s predominant bowel habit when he is not on medication and is as follows:
· Bristol types 1 and 2 IBS-C: with predominant constipation
· Bristol types 6 and 7 IBS-D: with predominant diarrhea
· Bristol types 1 and 6 IBS-M: with both constipation and diarrhea
Suffering from IBS is extremely common and in most cases, dietary and simple lifestyle changes can provide relief from alarming symptoms. However, there is no single course of treatment that can help everyone and the treatment depends on a variety of factors including the type of symptoms, the severity of it, and how much it affects your day-to-day life.
You could be prescribed OTC medication (over-the-counter) by your doctor if IBS symptoms are severe and lifestyle/dietary changes have not helped till now. Medications are typically prescribed to tackle and target dominant symptoms – constipation, pain, or diarrhea.
To reduce abdominal pain, muscle spasms, and cramping, antispasmodic medications can provide relief. When administered in low doses, antidepressant medications can also act on the chemical messengers present in the digestive tract to provide comfort from pain, cramping, and diarrhea. When administered in higher doses, these medicines can also help alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety that accompany IBS.
Loperamide, an antidiarrheal medication, helps reduce the stool frequency and slows the movement of the stool through the intestines.
For people suffering from constipation due to IBS, they can be prescribed laxatives to speed up the movement of the stool through the intestines. Laxatives are available in prescription or over-the-counter formulations. You should consult your doctor to figure out the best course of treatment for you. Analgesic agents and prosecretory can help reduce the sensitivity of pain nerves in the intestines and also provide relief by increasing the number of fluids in the digestive tract. They have been shown to soften bowel movements and make them occur more often, reduce the amount of bloating, and decrease abdominal pain in patients with IBS.
Patients suffering from IBS report concurrent anxiety and struggle with abdominal pain. So, it’s no surprise that some patients anecdotally report using cannabis, especially CBD, to help reduce pain and anxiety
There is scarce research on how cannabis helps treat IBD but the result findings are promising. A study in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in 2011 tried to evaluate the use of cannabis on patients suffering from IBD. Patients suffering from Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis had to answer a questionnaire. They were asked about any past or current use of cannabis, socioeconomic factors, lifestyle factors, medical history, reaction to medicines they were taking. The study found that patients suffering from IBD use cannabis to control symptoms such as abdominal pain, depression because they found it improved their quality of life. However, the study concluded that cannabis use is common amongst people suffering from IBS. However more data is required to fully evaluate the effects cannabis has on IBS.
Recent legalization should allow researchers to conduct ongoing trials on how cannabis may be used to benefit patients with IBS.
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Menstrual Pain / PMS
According to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, it is normal to experience some degree of discomfort in the days leading up to your period. It is normal to experience pain on the first day or two of your periods however, some women are fortunate enough to not experience any noticeable discomfort.
Although these symptoms can slow down some women’s normal activities, it does not obstruct them from their regular lives.
Women are most likely to undergo symptoms in the days before their period begins. Most common symptoms include tender breasts, minor changes in bowel habits, menstrual cramps, which can lead to mood swings. These symptoms are typically mild and can be manageable with dietary modification and over-the-counter medication. If your menstrual symptoms are harshly affecting your everyday routine, you may have Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Make an appointment to see a doctor if you are dealing with severe PMS symptoms. The hormonal changes that take place in your body during the days leading up to your period can be severe (depending on each person). The severity of the symptoms can take a toll on your body, behavior, and mindset. Some of the symptoms are as follows:
Physical symptoms:
- Tender breasts
- Bloating, fluid retention
- Muscle aches
- Joint pain
- Headaches
- Abdominal cramps
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Lower back pain
- Hot flashes
- Trouble sleeping
- Sleeping too much
- Low energy, fatigue
- Low sex drive
- Changes in appetite
- Food cravings – sweet, salty
Mood and behavior-related symptoms:
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Difficulty focusing
- Sadness
- Crying spells
- Anger
- Not wanting to talk to anyone
It’s important to factor in the impact of a healthy lifestyle during menstruation. It can make a huge difference in how your mind and body react. During menstruation, actively choose to improve your diet, participate in fitness activities, and reduce the amount of caffeine, alcohol, and salt you consume. A healthy diet means following a diet that ranges from vegetables, fruit, whole grains, dairy, seafood, legumes, less processed meats, drinks that contain sugar, and fewer refined grain products. During pre-menstruation, many women have increased cravings for sugar. Prevent sweet-tooth cravings from taking place by eating balanced meals with small snacks. Indulge in meals that offer a low glycemic index.
Each month, be sure to log your symptoms during menstruation. Be particularly accurate about each time of the day. Many women find late afternoons difficult, feeling extremely exhausted. Plan with a snack or meal to remain balanced during the time of day you feel symptomatic. Take part in a restorative activity such as a light walk or rest. Placing your personal needs ahead of time makes a huge difference on how you feel.
During half of the menstrual cycle, the hormones increase women’s constipation leading to diarrhea. To help with these symptoms, make sure to have lots of fiber and add fluids to your diet. Get proper sleep, learn more about what you can do to reduce stress, and change your behavior-related symptoms. Pain symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter medications. If physical or mood-related symptoms appear to be extremely critical, women can opt to get prescription medications.
CBD and cannabinoids have the power to treat painful menstrual cramps by helping in the following manner:
Anti-inflammatory: Cannabinoids have many anti-inflammatory components that work on cutting off inflammatory prostaglandins production. THC activates endocannabinoid receptors (CB2) found within the macrophages (killer cells) of the immune system. When the receptors startup, they intercept macrophages from releasing inflammatory proteins (cytokines).
Pain-relieving: Cannabinoids help defend the body’s nerves from inflammatory molecules including prostaglandins, which make pain-perceiving nerves more sensitive. Both CBD and THC (cannabinoids) target nerve receptors in the body to decrease the sensation of pain. The soothing effects can desensitize TRPV1 and spread to other neighbouring receptors as well.
Muscle-relaxing: Menstrual cramps are exacerbated by the contractions of the smooth muscle lining in the uterus. Cannabinoids are used to calm muscle tension. Both THC and CBD aim to relax contractions by targeting receptors in the muscle tissue.
Vascular-relaxing: Blood vessels are parallel to the smooth muscle lining. When cannabinoids activate this muscle to relax, blood flow increases. The improved blood flow can help alleviate pain from starved tissues to reduce body cramps.
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Migraines / Headaches
According to the International Headache Society, headaches are an extremely common symptom that can be triggered by over 200 different medical conditions. Some causes are highly visible (including brain tumors), but the most common causes which include migraines and tension-type headaches are not visible on available imaging.
- Headaches are a symptom and not a diagnosis
- Headaches are not always easy to diagnose
- The impact of headaches on quality of life is underestimated
- Many headaches can last for years (chronic) and are incurable
- Treating Headaches can require a global approach that is not accessible everywhere
- The science on headache is fast evolving and there is hope for the future
Migraines can develop during childhood or during teenage years and can affect a person throughout his or her productive years, persisting till old age. Although it is not fatal, it can severely impair a patient and get worse over time.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), migraines are the primary cause of disability among people below the age of 50. It is the second most predominant form of headache and the third most common disease on the planet.
In Canada, the disease affects around:
- 25% of women
- 8% of men
- 10% of children
A patient is diagnosed with Chronic Migraine if they have 8 migraine attacks and a total of 15 days or more of headache per month. This condition affects roughly 760 000 people nationwide or around 2% of all Canadians.
There are several preventive measures one can take to manage headaches and migraines. Certain prescription medications such as Antihistamines, Anti-inflammatories, Anticonvulsants, and Antidepressants can also treat and prevent migraines and some of their symptoms. Triptan, a migraine-specific drug is also used.
A study published in the Journal of Pain, suggests that cannabinoids play a key role in reducing pain associated with migraines and headaches by almost half. A study conducted by Washington State University also indicates the same.
A study by The Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Colorado reported that medical cannabis reduced the number of migraine attacks per month.
Almost 40% of 121 adult participants reported positive effects. Almost 20% claimed that medical cannabis helped prevent migraines and almost 85% reported reduced numbers of migraine attacks per month.
Medical cannabis assists with reducing inflammation in the protective dura matter which covers the brain, one of the biggest factors for pain associated with migraines. It works via the endocannabinoid system and decreases the release of pro-inflammatory substances.
Because migraines have such a complex set of underlying causes, triggers, and symptoms, cannabis might be an ideal migraine medication since it contains diverse compounds and has widespread roles in issues associated with migraines. Medical cannabis has anti-emetic as well as analgesic properties. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent as well. CBD, a compound known for its anti-anxiety properties, can be perfect for preventing and treating stress-induced migraines.
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Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is one of the most predominant ailments of the central nervous system in Canada, roughly affecting around 12 people daily. With an estimated 90, 000 Canadians living with multiple sclerosis, Canada has one of the highest rates of cases in the world according to the MS International Federation. A chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, multiple sclerosis is very tricky and unpredictable. The disease usually affects people between the ages of 20 and 50.
Multiple sclerosis can be progressive and last the rest of one’s life. The MS Society of Canada describes MS as a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. As the disease affects the spinal cord, brain, and optic nerve, it can cause symptoms such as lack of coordination, problems with vision, mobility and balance, cognitive and sensitive impairments, unusual weakness, fatigue, and mood changes as well as bladder problems.
Multiple sclerosis is an episodic disability and the duration and severity can vary. The disease can be physically, financially, and emotionally challenging for patients. Periods of disability can be followed by periods of wellness as well. Although there is no available cure for multiple sclerosis at the moment, ongoing research has unearthed a lot of information about the diseases’ origins and how to prevent them.
Although there is no cure for MS, ongoing research is zeroing in on its causes and exploring ways to repair the damage it causes along with ways to prevent it from occurring again. The MS Society of Canada and the MS Scientific Research Foundation, fund research for various aspects of the disease which includes:
- Progression/therapies – Examines current or potential therapies and aims to improve imaging technology by better visualizations of brain activities.
- Cause/risk factors – Explores potential MS triggers and factors which may increase susceptibility.
- Nerve damage/repair – Focuses on cellular mechanisms. This results in either damage or repair of underlying nerve cells and myelin.
- Symptom management/quality of life – Explores how MS affects day-to-day life and develops treatments that can manage symptoms more effectively.
Some prescription medication can ease the impact of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Pharmaceuticals can be used to control and reduce inflammation and accumulated nerve damage. This can prevent further deterioration of conditions and can decrease the severity and frequency of relapses.
Patients who have been diagnosed with relapsing multiple sclerosis are advised to begin their treatment process as early as they can. Treatments that are currently available for such forms of multiple sclerosis involve controlling inflammation by targeting the inflammatory process and preventing tissue damage. But for most patients diagnosed with progressive forms of the disease, inflammation is less relevant and thus, treatments prove to be ineffective. It is important to continue having open discussions with medical practitioners while exploring treatment options.
Pharmaceutical drugs are used for multiple sclerosis for:
- Relapse management treatment
- Symptom management treatment
- Disease-modifying therapies (DMT)
According to the MS Society of Canada, disease-modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis (MS) aim to either slow disease progression or manage symptoms of MS. A new survey conducted among multiple sclerosis patients indicates that over 90% of respondents have used or considered using medical cannabis as part of their symptom management care plan. More and more patients are speaking to their healthcare providers about the use of medical cannabis and its efficacy.
Spasticity is a very common symptom of multiple sclerosis affecting over 80% of the patients. It can cause stiffness (tonic) as well as spasms (intermittent). It is caused when lesions in the central nervous system alter the regular inhibitory/excitatory balance of the nerves that are responsible for movement. It can be extremely challenging and can disrupt daily activities like sitting and walking. Recent research on the use of medical cannabis to treat spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis has shown positive results. However, there is a lot more that remains unknown and would require years of research.
Most people suffering from multiple sclerosis experience musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain. The latest research on the use of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis treatments suggests that it can effectively reduce pain and provide at least some level of relief.
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Muscle Spasms
According to Human Kinetics, muscle spasms occur when the muscle fiber fails to return to its regular resting length. Spasms can occur at any time in any muscle of the body. The majority of people perform their daily activities like standing, sitting, walking, and running with many muscles having spasms. Muscles can also shorten and fail to properly function when enough of its fibres go into spasm. This is called a cramp. A painful contraction of skeletal muscles, cramps are involuntary and spasmodic. Causes for cramps and muscle spasms include low mineral levels, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, herniated disks, overuse, stress, and disease.
It is advisable to try different approaches to help with a muscle cramp to determine which method works the best for you. A few traditional treatments involve:
- Massaging and stretching the muscle
- Consuming adequate fluids
- Heating pads, warm showers, and baths to help relax the muscle
- Ice packs and cold packs
- Prescription medications like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen. It is better to be cautious with medicines and to carefully read and follow appropriate instructions on the label.
Most muscle spasms are usually treated with pain relievers, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety medication. These, however, can cause certain intolerable side effects and also prove ineffective for many patients. Thus, many have turned to use medical cannabis for treating spasms and cramps.
A report published in 2018 by the National Academy of Sciences titled “The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids”, indicates that marijuana is effective in treating chronic pain and calms muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis. It further states that both inhaled, as well as oral cannabis, can help ease chronic pain.
“Conclusive or substantial scientific evidence has shown that marijuana products are effective at treating chronic pain, calming muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis, and easing nausea from chemotherapy.” – National Academy of Sciences
However, researchers also stress the fact that CBD and THC levels can vary between different strains of cannabis, and unless a standard is achieved through research, it could be difficult to ascertain the impact of different strains containing variable amounts of CBD and THC levels.
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Stomach discomfort can stem from several causes, Nausea is a sense of wanting to vomit. It acts as a precursor to emptying the contents of the stomach. Nausea is instigated by certain foods or medication, sensitivity to motion, and as a side-effect of several medical conditions. Some of its causes involve:
Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause a burning sensation by forcing the contents of your stomach to move in reverse and up your esophagus.
Infection or virus: Viruses and bacteria can cause illnesses like food poisoning and infections. Some of these are responsible for nausea.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, there are several ways to relieve or control nausea. However, if these methods and techniques do not work and fail to provide respite, you should consult a medical professional.
While trying to control nausea, its best to:
- Drink cold liquids slowly
- Consume bland, light food like bread
- Avoid anything fried, sweet, or greasy
- Frequently have smaller meals
- Avoid mixing hot and cold foods or beverages
- Avoid physical activity after meals
- Avoid brushing teeth after your meals
- Plan a proper diet that involves all food groups and provides an adequate nutrition
Treatments for vomiting include:
- Gradually drinking large quantities of liquids
- Avoiding solid food till the feeling or episode passes
- Getting adequate rest
- Avoiding oral medications temporarily
The benefits of cannabis as a treatment for nausea have been known for a long time. A 1975 study conducted by Zinberg, Sallan, and Frei concluded that THC actively helps control nausea. It mentions that all of the 20 subjects that participated in the study felt relief from nausea after using medical cannabis. A study conducted by Rock, Sticht, Duncan, Stott, and Parker also indicates that a type of CBD has antiemetic value.
Medical cannabis when used in combination with other antiemetics has increased the effectiveness of both and has shown that it can be used either as a stand-alone antiemetic or can be used with other antiemetics in case the symptoms are more severe and require stronger results.
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Nerve Damage
Nerve damage can have a vast array of symptoms depending on the type of nerves affected as well as their location. Nerve damage can affect the spinal cord, brain, and peripheral nerves, and in some instances, multiple types of nerves can be damaged at the same time.
Symptoms of Autonomic nerve damage include:
- Hyperhidrosis and Anhidrosis
- Constipation
- Dry mouth and dry eyes
- Lightheadedness
- Bladder dysfunction
- Insensitivity to chest pains like heart attacks and angina
- Sexual Dysfunction
Symptoms of Motor nerve damage include:
- Muscle atrophy
- Fasciculation
- Weakness
- Paralysis
Symptoms of sensory nerve damage include:
- Sensitivity
- Pain
- Numbness
- Burning
- Tingling
In many instances, people with nerve damage can have symptoms that indicate damage to several different types of nerves. One can experience a burning sensation and weakness of the legs at the same time.
Although it is very difficult to completely cure nerve damage, several treatments can help reduce the effects of the symptoms. As nerve damage is a progressive disease, it gets worse over time. Thus it is important to consult a healthcare professional as early as you notice the symptoms.
Addressing the underlying conditions that are causing nerve damage and pain is the first step towards treatment. This can involve:
- Correcting nutritional deficiencies
- Changing medications
- Physical therapy for compression or trauma
- Treating autoimmune conditions
- Regulating blood sugar levels for patients with diabetes
Traditional medication used to minimize nerve pain may involve-
- Pain-relievers
- Antidepressants such as duloxetine and venlafaxine
- Tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline and desipramine (Norpramin)
- Anti-seizure drugs such as pregabalin and Neurontin
- Capsaicin cream
Certain alternative treatment approaches that can alleviate pain include:
- Antioxidant Vitamins
- Electrical nerve stimulation
- Acupuncture
- Biofeedback
- Meditation
Medical cannabis works on the areas of the brain that are responsible for processing sensory signals like pain and can help reduce chronic nerve pain (neuropathy). The human body’s sensory receptors called endocannabinoids are similar to cannabinoids found in cannabis. Cannabinoids stop nerves from transmitting pain signals by binding to the receptors. Although medical cannabis does not act as a cure, it can help patients manage and reduce pain.
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Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s is a complex neurodegenerative brain disease that appears slowly as the dopamine-producing cells begin to die. Dopamine is responsible for carrying signals between the nerves of the brain which are associated with movement.
Proper diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can be tricky and can take time. When healthcare practitioners notice signs of Parkinson’s, patients are usually referred to neurologists who specialize in the disease. After careful analysis of your medical history along with the results of certain tests, neurologists can rule out other conditions and make an accurate diagnosis.
According to Parkinson’s Canada, patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s can experience different and varying effects. Learning more about one’s conditions and symptoms can help one understand and manage Parkinson’s much better.
Till date, no cure for Parkinson’s has been found. Patients can experience unique and specific symptoms and thus, treatment has to be designed to manage individual conditions. Much of Parkinson’s treatment involves reducing the effects of its symptoms. Common symptoms such as stiffness, shaking, difficulties in swallowing, etc. can cause much discomfort and impair one’s daily routines.
The use of prescribed medications can aid in functioning but carries the risk of harmful side effects. Thus, it is important to be careful and stick to prescribed doses. Certain pharmaceuticals work on the brain at extremely complex levels and need to be taken accurately to produce desired results. It is advised to consult your doctor before consuming any pharmaceutical medication.
Although drugs can help with some of the symptoms, currently available treatments are unable to cure or check Parkinson’s progress. Patients can live with the disease for years. Many can benefit from certain surgeries. Routine Physical therapy can help increase balance, flexibility, and mobility. Regular exercise can strengthen joints and muscles. Patients can opt for certain Occupational Therapies for helping them perform day-to-day activities as well as Speech Therapy for control and modulating one’s voice.
The Therapeutic Potential of Cannabinoids for Movement Disorders – After conducting clinical trials and having studied the observations, cannabinoid-based therapies suggest that there could be a benefit of using cannabinoids for tics but perhaps there is no benefit for tremor as found in multiple sclerosis or dyskinesias or the motor symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease. Despite multiple publications about the medical benefits of using cannabinoids, there is a requirement for further preclinical and clinical research to be able to better understand the physiological, pharmacological, and therapeutic effects of this class of drugs in movement disorders like Parkinson’s.
Neurokinin B, neurotensin, and cannabinoid receptor antagonists and Parkinson disease – This study went on to explore the effects of three receptor antagonists (neurotensin, cannabinoid, NK3) on the severity of and dysfunction of motor symptoms and levodopa-induced dyskinesias after having administered a single dose of levodopa in 24 patients who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease.
Cannabinoids reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease: – This study indicates that in Parkinson’s disease, the cannabinoid receptor agonist nabilone significantly lowers levodopa-induced dyskinesia.
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is an extremely prevalent anxiety disorder affecting around a tenth of the Canadian population. According to Anxiety Canada, PTSD is developed as a consequence of a person experiencing or witnessing severely traumatic events and ordeals that embeds intense fear into the mind. Unnatural and unexpected deaths of loved ones, natural disasters, accidents, war, physical or sexual assault, etc. can all be responsible for PTSD. Military personnel, first responders, journalists, emergency personnel, rescue workers, and friends and family of victims are known to develop cases of PTSD.
Patients suffering from PTSD display several symptoms that include flashbacks from traumatizing events, abnormal fears, a sense of helplessness, antipathy towards social relations, and feelings of numbness and devastation. Physical responses to PTSD can include a variety of symptoms. This can include anxiety, irritability, depression, panic attacks, sleep difficulties, outburst of emotion, feeling overwhelmed with simple tasks, lack of concentration and having a fear of regular day to day activities. These can cause significant problems not just personally but professionally as well.
Preventive Approaches: There are certain guidelines for preventing PTSD among people who have been exposed to events of traumatic nature, recommended by the WHO, BAP, and VA/DoD. As an early intervention in preventing PTSD after traumatic events, treatments such as trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy are recommended along with sertraline and propranolol. For patients suffering from acute insomnia, certain sleep hygiene and relaxation techniques are also recommended.
Treatment Approaches: As a first-line pharmacological treatment, controlled use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as paroxetine, sertraline, and fluoxetine and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors such as venlafaxine is recommended. Eye movement reprocessing and desensitization, stress management therapies, and cognitive-behavioral therapies are recommended as initial physiological treatments. The recommendations do not mention combinations of medication and physiological therapies.
The use of medical cannabis as a treatment for PTSD has been around for many years, predominantly among veterans. Much of the information regarding the benefits of medical cannabis for treating PTSD is derived from positive patient reports. According to a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, patients who do not use cannabis have a higher chance of experiencing PTSD-induced depressive episodes.
Although our body does not produce CBD or THC, they are similar in structure to the human endogenous cannabinoids. THC and CBD interact with the endocannabinoid system and influence a plethora of biological processes. Brain imaging research indicates that patients with PTSD do not have enough endogenous cannabinoids that lock on to cannabinoid receptors although the latter is present in abundance. Supplementing the brain with plant-based cannabinoids, THC and CBD can help restore normal brain functions. Research suggests that cannabis can aid in erasing and extinguishing traumatic memories that are responsible for triggering PTSD. With gradual use, patients have known to experience improvements in their conditions and symptoms
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Sleep Disorder
Sleep disorders are one of the most common ailments in the world and affect almost 40% of the Canadian population. Sleep deprivation and unhealthy sleeping habits are usually associated with heart disease, neurological complications, obesity, and depression. Sleep disorders also affect emotional regulation and can gradually evolve into serious health risks.
Abnormalities in the mechanisms that regulate the sleep cycle lead to Primary sleep disorders. Secondary sleep disorders arise from comorbid conditions that disrupt the regular sleep-wake cycle, such as psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Some treatments for sleep disorders involve:
- Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Therapies: This is used to treat sleep apnea. Treatment involves using a machine such as BiLevel, CPAP, and Servo Ventilators, to keep the patient’s airways open when he/she is asleep.
- Behavioral measures for sleep disorders: This includes non-surgical treatments for sleep and breathing related disorders.
- Oral appliances: Another treatment for sleep apnea, involves using a device to maintain position of the soft tissue in the airway to prevent it from collapsing. The device needs to be worn in the mouth while sleeping.
- Positional therapy: This involves training patients to sleep on their sides or at certain angles to effectively counter and resolve sleep-disordered breathing.
Some treatments for Insomnia involve:
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI): This therapy focuses on addressing the real factors that contribute towards persistent insomnia and guiding patients through the various changes in behaviors related to sleep.
- Medications: Certain forms of medications have been approved by Health Canada to help treat insomnia. These are called hypnotic medications.
Treatments for narcolepsy/hypersomnia involve:
- Treating narcolepsy: This also involves a combination of prescription drugs and certain behavioral changes to schedule nocturnal sleep and naps as well.
- Treating Kleine-Levin syndrome (KLS): Also known as hypersomnia, KLS currently has no particular treatment to control or cure it. Some measures can be taken to manage the disease.
- Treating idiopathic hypersomnia: This involves initiating treatment after a careful and thorough analysis of the symptoms and assessing their most probable causes
Treatments for circadian rhythm disorders involve:
Bright light therapy: This involves using light therapy to gradually enable a shift towards regular sleeping patterns. It can help manage circadian rhythm disorders like delayed sleep phase syndrome.
Treating Restless legs syndrome (RLS) usually involves using a combination of behavioral changes and pharmaceutical drugs
Depending on the balance of terpene profiles and different cannabinoids present in the strain, cannabis can produce calming or energizing effects. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is a psychoactive cannabinoid that binds to CB1 receptors and is responsible for producing sedating and calming effects and inducing sleep.
Terpenes also bind to receptors present within the brain and provide various therapeutic effects. Terpenes are secreted through the resin and are the chemicals that are responsible for the aroma of the cannabis plant.
The state of ‘deep sleep is the most beneficial part of the sleep cycle. Being more restful and restorative, it is the target for most sleep disorder treatments. Recent studies indicate that consuming high levels of sedative terpenes and THC can reduce the duration of REM sleep, the period during which one is dreaming. Thus, for patients suffering from PTSD, it can mean reduced traumas and terrors. Reduction of REM sleep increases the duration of deep sleep which helps the body recover faster.
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Stress can come from major events in life such as getting married or changing jobs, or from minor daily incidents, such as job pressures or holiday planning, according to Health Canada.
Life stress has been reported by almost a quarter of Canadians. Stress is an individual problem and the factors that induce stress in you may not affect someone else. Stress is what keeps you alive. There is a good type of stress that keeps you feeling involved and energized. Good stress can be felt after winning a game or even after going on a vacation. However, if stress levels increase due to being under pressure, your health can get negatively impacted.
Your body undergoes a series of responses when you find an event stressful. These come in three stages:
- Mobilizing Energy: A reaction can be triggered by both good and bad events. As a result, your body releases adrenaline which in turn makes your heart beat faster and you experience shortness of breath.
- Consuming Energy Stores: As you spend a certain period in the previous stage, the body slowly releases stored fats and sugar, causing you to feel tired, pressured, and driven. This may lead to you drinking more coffee, taking up smoking, or drinking more alcohol. You may also start experiencing anxiety, negative thinking, memory loss, or even catch a cold/flu more often than you normally would.
- Draining Energy Stores: Your body’s requirement for energy will keep increasing if you do not resolve your stress problem and you will reach a point where your body cannot provide the energy anymore. You could start experiencing insomnia, personality changes, and errors in judgment. You could also be at risk of suffering mental illness or could develop a serious illness such as heart disease.
Fighting and dealing with stress is a constant effort and some good methods include maintaining a healthy eating habit, regular exercise, working on reducing negativity, limiting the intake of caffeine and alcohol, properly utilizing leisure time, avoiding drugs and cigarettes, and adopting proper sleep hygiene.
- prioritizing, arranging, and delegating tasks
- turning to friends and family for support
- being part of a support group, consulting a healthcare professional, accessing and using self-help materials, or enrolling in a stress management program
Once a person has reached a state of emotional well-being, they are capable of bouncing back from stress and come back feeling stronger to face the world. This can aid people to better face life events and better cope with difficult situations.
Anxiety disorder can be a sign of severe stress. If the signs and symptoms have appeared for too long, you should seek professional help especially if your home, work, school, or social life is affected or if you experience increased stress and emotional difficulties. Recovery from chronic stress is possible.
A recent study in the British Journal of Anaesthesia showed that significant therapeutic effects were produced by cannabis (similar to opioid analgesics). The research further shows that THC (Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) can bind to CB2 receptors present in the spinal cord which in turn reduces the pain signals being sent to the brain.
Another recent study conducted by the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) found that THC administered in low doses is capable of combating stress. The study also found that administration of high doses of THC shows opposite results. The author of the study, Professor Emma Childs, said that they found that THC at low doses reduced stress and at higher doses had the opposite effect, emphasising on the importance of dose especially when it comes to THC and its effects.
One of our medical practitioners will be able to help determine the medical management strategy that suits your needs when treating stress.
The need for medical management is reinforced when seeking stress treatment. Treatment is highly dose-dependent and it is always advisable to work with a team of practitioners and medical professionals who can determine your individual needs when it comes to cannabis.
The mentality of “start slow and less is more” applies perfectly to this situation. It is advisable to start with small doses, observe the effects of THC and then determine further administration of THC to achieve the desired effect. A lower dose of THC can be increased easily rather than risking a larger amount.
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[TE1]This is from HealthLine, but I’m guessing we don’t need to highlight this?
[TE2]This is from Rexall…I’m guessing we don’t want this? All other research relates nausea to diseases
[TE3]Nerve Damage can be so many different things – I suggest we take it out
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